What do you do when all the sick seconds and minutes and hours and days and a week catch up? Still feeling the remnants of my stomach bug, of my infusion, of the lack of sleep of wellness or drive.
Two more days. One more hour until I catch the Metra downtown to Millennium Station. Walk the pedway to the Red Line. Catch it going north to the restaurant. The drive is driving me to all edges.
Maybe it is the MS, maybe the Graves Disease, maybe the disease of aging itself, albeit menopause or the regular breaking down of everything.
Maybe it is the sliver of sunshine pressed between too many days of grey and now, it is snowing again. The cold is back again and I can feel it on the inside of my arms, my ankles, tip of my nose, my knees, and yet I am also flushed.
I hate that I feel out of sorts and have to scramble and collect myself. Straight back, straight face, big smile. The show must go and go.
I did a bit of editing yesterday. Just enough to feel satisfying. Will do a bit more on the train but will not push. Plan to do more reading than anything today though. I think I just need to still my mind a bit.
Oh. I learned a new word today via my other job, emesis "action of vomiting," 1875, medical Latin, from Greek emesis "a vomiting," from emein "to vomit"
I do believe I just did a version of that above. Ha!
Have a great weekend all!

I would say "feel better", but honestly—I just want you to feel however the fuck you want and then go from there. Love you.