9 degrees. Third day of frigid cold, but next week will be in the 40s. I love the Midwest. I do really. I am again a Midwest Girl tip to root, but still lament the cold, cry for Spring, curse summer, call for Fall. Ha!
I have not written for days. Spent most of the time hanging out with my husband, had a rare Monday off, which meant time to chill, recharge.
But now, back to editing. I did receive a rejection, first rejection of the year for my first submission of the year. It sucked, but then I sucked it up and congratulated myself for submitting. Fingers to keyboard again.
Today I am working on a piece from when we lived in Sicily. Working off memories that are fuzzy. Trying to recapture a magic that now only exists in photographs. We have spent, had, so many magical times in the midst of a trauma, that they are only vivid in the moment for me, and when I try to look back, they are veiled? Again as if they were only meant for then. And if I didn’t have photographic evidence it would all seem like a feverdream?
I do have a folder containing pieces from back then. I may revisit, recise, and revive them. We’ll see.